St. John has ongoing registration and enrollment for our preschool next year.
Our teacher, Mrs. Laura, is excited to start the school year with our students. Please see her About Me here! St. John offers 2, 3 and 5-day enrollment options, giving all students a chance to learn with us. School hours are 9:00am - 11:30am on the days offered. Many classroom policies and procedures are included in the handbook available when you click on this forms and information link: St. John Schaumburg Preschool Information. When submitting the forms, please send directly to the Church Secretary using the link below. If you would like information on how to signup for preschool classes (future charges/tuition, enrollment availability, staff/curriculum announcements, etc.), please send your request using our contact form below or by contacting the church secretary directly. Also, when submitting enrollment forms, please also send them to the contact below. We hope to hear from you soon!